Tuesday, March 24, 2020

9 Tips for Handling a Difficult Coworker

9 Tips for Handling a Difficult Coworker No matter where you work, there always seems to be at least one coworker who is difficult to deal with. Sometimes, that coworker even turns into a bully, and that can affect your job performance and self-esteem when all you want to do it get along and get the job done. If you let it go, you can end up losing your temper, and that could adversely affect you both personally and professionally. However, there are some ways you can get along or defuse the situation to make life easier on the job. 1. Difficult CoworkersAll work situations have difficult coworkers from health care jobs to sales jobs. It may be the office gossip, the one who never seems to be able to get the job done without help or the serial dodger, who never seems to take responsibility and blames everyone else for his or her shortcomings. Then there is the nasty coworker, who never has anything nice to say about you, no matter what. Your first step in dealing with difficult coworkers is to identify who they are to ensur e you aren’t blaming the wrong person.2. Discuss the ProblemWith a workplace bully or backstabber, it may be necessary to confront the person instead of letting the behavior continue. Having a calm discussion about the problem may have a surprising response. Some people do not realize the adverse impact their statements and actions have on others and be genuinely surprised and taken aback. Try to talk reasonably and hold your temper, but let the person know that you will take the issue to a superior if the actions continue.3. Talk to a FriendA little unbiased opinion is never harmful, so talking over your coworker situation with a friend can be a good idea. It not only lets you vent your frustrations but can give you an unbiased opinion of what may be going on and how to handle the situation.4. Use Humor to Defuse a SituationWhile this type of tactic can work for some people, not everyone is able to make a humorous comment to defuse a situation spontaneously. A light bit of h umor might be the tactic for you if you have a funny side.5. Have an Exit StrategyHaving an excuse to get away from a difficult coworker can help. Whether inventing a phone call you have to make, work you have to do right away or another excuse, spend as little time with the toxic coworker as possible. When people realize they aren’t being listened to, they give up.6. Keep Your Co-Worker Problem PrivateYou don’t want your character questioned, so maintain your cool when faced with a problem co-worker. Complaining to others in the office might get you branded as a problem yourself, so keep any complaining down to those in your family or a close friend outside the office. Going public with grievances is always a bad idea.7. Be Bigger Than Your Co-WorkerYou know the old adage, â€Å"You can attract more flies with honey than with vinegar.† This applies to coworkers too. It doesn’t mean you have to come in every day with a new joke or be the person who organi zes birthday parties. However, just being pleasant, smiling and polite can improve another person’s attitude toward you.8. A Friend Can’t Be an EnemyWhile it doesn’t work in all cases, being friendly but not overly friendly to a difficult coworker can produce positive results. If the problem is gossip, having a friendly conversation can set things straight. If, on the other hand, the coworker is trying to take credit for work you have done, you can let your boss know beforehand that you are working on a certain aspect of a project, so you will get the credit.9 Go to Your BossNo one likes to do this, but sometimes there is no other choice if your requests to your toxic coworker have fallen on deaf ears. If you do decide to take the matter up with your supervisor, make sure to go armed with the information you need to make your case. Take notes on how this person’s actions are affecting your work and productivity on projects, and write down exactly what tha t person is doing to adversely affect your work.Whether working in a health care job or another field, there are ways to deal with toxic coworkers to make your job easier. Searching for a job can be easier too. TheJobNetwork lets you enter your job interests and qualifications and does the job search for you. All you have to do is enter your qualifications and interests in employment, and you will receive job alerts via email to choose which jobs interest you. To get started now, sign up with TheJobNetwork.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Pain and Suffering of animals for Humans Sake Right or Wrong essays

Pain and Suffering of animals for Humans Sake Right or Wrong essays Pain and Suffering of Animals for Humans Sake: When you go out to eat and look at your thick and juicy T-bone steak what do you think about? When you look at that gorgeous mink coat in the department store what is going through your mind? When you here that cigarette smoke causes cancer in lab animals what is the first thing that comes to mind? Chances are that in each of these cases you were not thinking about how the cow suffered while it was being fattened up, ho painful the trap was that caught those mink, or the conditions those lab animals hat to endure to develop that cancer. Most people do not think about these things. However, in this paper, you will be enlightened on the pain and suffering of animals in three different industries and you will also hear from the other side of this issue. First, one of the biggest culprits of animal suffering is the animal food industry. This is an industry in which people have a tendency to block out or ignore the animal mistreatment; this is done by disassociating oneself with the direct harm and ignoring the indirect harm (Harnack 133). A good start under this example in the case of pigs. Normally, pigs are intelligent animals capable of showing affection. They have very good senses of smell, which is why pigs have been used as hunting animals (Coats 31). This normal behavior is disrupted however in the food industry. Pigs are taken to slaughter at about twenty-four weeks of age when they are approximately 220 pounds (Coats 32). Pigs are usually mass-caged into groups that consist of other pigs of the same sex and age. This can cause excessive aggressiveness in the animals due to the stifling of the natural social orders, which are accomplished though mixing (Coats 33). Due to inactivity in cages, pigs become bored and do things such as gnaw on the bars of the cage or on the body parts of other pigs. Factory owners attempt to remedy this by doing thi...